Scruggs and Stockemer Publish in Electoral Studies

Prof. Lyle Scruggs and Dr. Daniel Stockemer (UConn PhD) published “Income inequality, development and electoral turnout – New evidence on a burgeoning debate,” Electoral Studies 31 (2012), pp. 764-773. Congratulations!

The abstract:
“We comprehensively analyze the macro-level link between income inequality and electoral turnout. First, we re-examine prior studies which affirm that higher inequality puts a drain on electoral turnout in wealthy industrialized Western countries. Second, we evaluate whether there is an association between the two concepts in a larger, more representative sample of democratic elections around the world. Third, we analyze if income inequality has a different influence on participation in the Western and non-Western countries. Controlling for nine theoretically informed covariates, we assess these claims in a multilevel framework with evidence from more than 550 democratic elections between 1970 and 2010. We find little evidence that electoral turnout is affected by income inequality. Our results also indicate that this “null” effect does not differ between the Western- and the non-Western world. However, we do find evidence that mandatory voting laws and more decisive elections boost turnout considerably.”

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